Monday, February 16, 2009

Vehicle testing repeal sent back to sponsor - Saturday Summary 2/14/09

The House Environment, Energy and Technology Committee voted by a narrow margin to send a bill back to its sponsor that would have repealed last year’s air quality vehicle emissions testing bill. Representative Dick Harwood introduced the measure, saying he was representing constituents who had concerns about North Idaho counties qualifying for emissions testing under the bill. Representative Wendy Jaquet introduced a substitute motion to send the bill back to its sponsor, noting the amount of time and public input into last year’s bill were of concern, as well as the worry about the impact of non-attainment of local businesses.

Those in favor of his bill noted they would like to reopen the negotiations and see updated emissions numbers. Harwood noted that the law is an official capitulation to a federal bar on air quality that continues to be lowered every year, saying “’necessity’ is a plea to infringe on human rights. This is a method of tyrants.”

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