Friday, February 26, 2010

Senator proposes clarification in permitting requirements for big game pelts, collaboration on wolf management

The Senate Resources and Environment committee on Monday considered several bills presented by Senator Gary Schroeder, including clarifications of big game reporting rules.

Changes to Idaho Fish and Game rules in the 1990s inadvertently failed to clarify IDFG’s authority to require permits to buy and sell black bear and cougar pelts. Schroeder, a north Idaho taxidermist, says that this omission could result in negative media coverage for those who engage in a regulated trade in lawfully taken wildlife.

“The last thing taxidermists want is for people coming into the state buying and selling things without regulation, create bad situations, get in the paper and give the industry a black eye.” Senator Schroeder said about the bill, which the committee approved.

Senator Schroeder also presented a resolution designed to encourage broader fact-finding and idea sharing regarding wolf management. The resolution, Rep. Schroeder says, encourages the Governor’s office, IDFG and the Office of Species Conservation to reach out and take the lead in originating dialogue in a more expansive area.

“The states that have wolves from the Great Lakes to the West need to be comparing notes and making sure they have a coordinated strategy to manage (wolves),” he said.
Both bills were sent on for consideration by the Senate.

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