Saturday, March 24, 2012

Legislators assert states rights, encourage Sage Grouse Task Force as session winds down

Two other items of interest as this session of the legislature works toward adjourning sine die:

Senate Joint Memorial 105 has passed both houses.  It calls on Congress to reclaim its Constitutional role over the management of species and public lands. The memorial asks “that Congress re-examine, reform and reauthorize the Endangered Species Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, the Equal Access to Justice Act, and any other federal law that disrespects the role of states and local governments in land management decisions and leads to costly and frivolous lawsuits that strip authority from Congress and place it in the hands of the judiciary.”  It was adopted on a voice vote by the Senate and by a vote of 57-10-3 in the House.

Senate Concurrent Resolution 125 was introduced in the Senate on March 1st and adopted by voice vote on March 5th.  The resolution endorses and encourages the Governor in his efforts “moving forward with the Governor’s Sage Grouse Task Force.”  It moved on to the House and on March 23rd it was adopted there on a voice vote.

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